About Serving in The USA!

The Corpation for National Service : News from the front, how it began, what we have been through and how we are doing so far ...
Q&A about the Education Award: These are the FAQ about the award
Think you've heard enough and you're ready to apply?: Apply on-line! Full AmeriCorps Application, just fill
Search the USA for another term if you're done: Plus other resources for Americorps Alums
East St. Louis AmeriCorps Members information, duties, etc: Mentoring informaton as well as other little goodies
A list of known AmeriCorps*USA projects: located all over Illinois
As promised here is the AmeriCorps Program Directory which has just about all of : sites that we could think of and some are on the net
Do you know an otstanding Junior or Senior high school: student? AmeriCorps is offering a $1,000 scholarship
If you still haven't found what you're looking for then: it might be here at the non-profit resouce center
I case you want to learn more about our sponsors: check out SIUE
If AmeriCorps seems to be a little limited by on being in the USA: maybe Peace Corps is more your speed...
Looking for more non profit agencies on the net?: See where our models come from
On-line community of services for the non-profit sector: From jobs to setting up websites
Here the latest from President Clinton and see for your self: where all of the money is going
Here's information on the noted C. O. R. E. Program: Although we don't have a program like this, it doesn't hurt to dream

East St. Louis
AmeriCorps* USA
Home On The Web

What IS AmeriCorps* USA?

Americorps, administered by the CNS, is the President's new national service program, with three components: AmeriCorps*USA, AmeriCorps*VISTA,and AmeriCorps*NCCC (National Civilian Conservation Corps). Each has unique elements, but all are united by the same goals. AmeriCorps gets things done: AmeriCorps programs will address the nation's education, public safety, environmental, and human needs and achieve demonstrable results. All AmeriCorps programs have the additional goals of strengthening communities and developing participants. By early 1998, there will be over 20,000 AmeriCorps members in over 400 sites serving throughout America.

AmeriCorps members are a diverse group of men and women at least 18 yrs old, with a broad range of ages; racial, ethnic and educational backgrounds; physical and mental capabilities; and family income levels. All AmeriCorps members receive a modest living allowance of $7,825 (together with health insurance and childcare for those needing them), and after a full year of service (or its part-time equivalent) an education benefit of $4725.

East St. Louis AmeriCorps*USA

AmeriCorps*USA is the largest of the three AmeriCorps components and it is new. Most members will serve with already existing or newly-created local non-profits, although some will be in programs run by multi-state or national organizations, or other federal agencies or departments. Each member in an AmeriCorps*USA program will be selected by that program either from its own recruiting efforts or by referral from the Corporation's national database.

Members of East St. Louis AmeriCorps*USA program is one of 25 programs in Illinois. Members are pledged to provide 1700 hours of service within the next year. East St. Louis AmeriCorps 24 members will be involved in direct service teaching, tutoring and mentoring a group of five children AmeriCorps*USA members will be working in teams, directly with the individuals in areas requiring service.

What Do AmeriCorps Members Do?

What do AmeriCorps members do?

East St. Louis AmeriCorps members' service addresses community needs in five ways: education, mentoring, tutoring. after school sites and community projects

AmeriCorps members:

Tutor children from one class one-on one for 45 minutes a day Work closely with teacher in identifying those needing help Work in after school programs providing educational, recreational, and conflict resolution training Complete a community project thought out the area

In addition to meeting local needs through service, AmeriCorps members also help strengthen communities by bringing together a wide range of community members in both planning and implementing programs in some cases marking the first time government leaders, local businesses, nonprofit organizations and citizens of all backgrounds are joining together to address pressing concerns.

While involving all sectors of the community in service activities, AmeriCorps members are increasing the number and effectiveness of local volunteers across the country -- people who help when they can without compensation. As part of service, AmeriCorps members help and serve alongside volunteers from the community to ensure that local needs are able to be addressed when their terms of service end.

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If there are any concerns, suggestions or you would like to add a link contact Jai Conner at Domybest@juno.com